Belarus in the Migration Exchange with the Countries of EU and Eastern Partnership
Zlotnikau, А. Belarus in the Migration Exchange with the Countries of EU and Eastern Partnership / А. Zlotnikau // EU Migration Policy and its Reflection in Third Countries: Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine / Bridge – International Project co-financed by the European Commission, EuropeAid, Fostering mutual understanding and co-operation of the EU with Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine 2008–2012 ; editors Silvo Devetak, Olesea Sirbu. — Maribor, 2012. – С. 115–128.
Types of international migration are considered. Tendencies in the migration movement of the population of the Republic of Belarus are analysed. Data about migration flows of the population between the Republic of Belarus and certain countries of EU and Eastern Partnership are cited. The influence of globalizing and regional socio-political and economic factors on migration processes of the population of the Republic of Belarus are examined. The emphasis is primarily laid on the demographic consequences for the Republic of Belarus.